Over 20 years of Accomplishments
Hundreds of at risk youth offered a “second chance” in life by caring nypd and nyac volunteer supervisors. Over a 94% non-recidivism rate. Kids referred for service by the queens d.A. Hundreds of thousands of community service hours by nyac and neighborhood groups cleaning our community and making it safer. 114th civ-op, dutch kills, immac squires.
Different generations of women, mothers and daughters, leading a more normal and safer life because of practical self defense and emergency training. These classes have become known city wide.
Hundreds of neighbor’s homes and businesses safety enhanced with free “security surveys:, in cooperation with the 114th and 108th precincts nypd.
Over a dozen gigantic murals that have beautified our streets painted in conjunction with world renown artists and schools. Such as plvksmith and the frank sinatra school for the arts. Worked with our legislators to pass crime prevention based laws. Testified at numerous hearings at city hall, city council hearings and one police plaza in the last ten years.
Police and fire awards were distributed to deservlvg fire and police personnel that commt1 ‘I ed outstanding acts of valor and/or had lengthy community involvement. This was done in cooperation with the astoria lic branch of kiwanis international.
Fingerprinted thousands of school children, in cooperation with immigration advocacy services, while giving safety tips to parents, guardian’s, and teachers.
Built a “veterans memorial” in astoria park’s shore boulevard with individual dedicated pavers for each veteran so that local families may have a place to visit and honor our vets.

Home of The Second Task Force.
Lifetime Crime Prevention Classes.
Tel: 718-274-4926
Fax: 718-274-1615